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Your secret side kicks!

South African Treat Sheet

The MyFitnessPal Guide

UK Restaurants and Franchises Bundle

What You Get

Below are some resources and booklets that we utilise for our clients all over the world.

When you sign up for our one-on-one coaching, you will receive these booklets for free, plus a host of other goodies. 

However, if you would just like to purchase the standalone options, you are more than welcome to get a taste of what we offer but be aware, this is just scraping the surface of what we deliver.


South African Treat Sheet

Hundreds of options from your favourite franchises, with all the nutritional information displayed


The MyFitnessPal Guide

Learn how to use MyFitnessPal with a step by step guidebook


UK Restaurants and Franchises Bundle

20 restaurants and fast food Franchises with a comprehensive nutritional breakdown of the meals available


New booklets in the upcoming future

Join Now

Our transformations are more than just a physical change and we can’t wait to show you why.